Monday, April 19, 2010

Response to Andrew's Blog

Andrew Zwald recently posted his blog about Global Warming and how he believes it is a fallacy. Andrew stated that politicians have personal agendas when it comes to Global Warming, and how people have different ways of looking at the issue.
I agree with Andrew that everyone has their own opinion about this issue and that everyone is entitled to have their own opinion. But, I do disagree with him in his opinion that it is a fallacy. Global Warming is a real, tangible event happening on our earth right now. It may just be caused by the earth's natural cycles or CO2 emissions that he brought up in his blog. The fact is the earth is warming, so therefore Global Warming is real. Politicians may stretch the truth more than it should be, but we all know that is their job and that is how they get paid.
Even if CO2 emissions are not the main reason behind Global Warming as some politicians may state, energy independence and environmentally friendly practices need to be implemented on a more dire basis in the US and the world. We should see this as a warning of larger problems that may lie ahead, and that if we do not stop our selfish practices now that the environment we are now taking for granted will be hurt beyond repair.

Sandwich Preparation Blog

Along with all of the responsibilities that come along with becoming a college student, I have learned the importance of a healthy diet. In a college student's often busy, hectic life it is undoubtedly reasonable to see how one can lose track of his/her health values that said person had developed throughout their adolescence. I have especially learned the importance of eating a hearty breakfast, not eating too much junk food and also to not eat before going to bed for the evening. Keeping these things in mind, I am responsible to find food for myself when I miss a meal. I have become rather keen in the formation of the sandwich with cold cuts, and this has now become a staple in my diet.
Personally, the sandwich is a quick, healthy and economical way to get a meal in between classes or when I am on the run and don't have time to sit down for a larger meal. The sandwich offers a lot of variations in that there are numerous types of meats and condiments that can be added to suit one person's tastes. Some options for sandwich meats include: ham, turkey, roast beef and/or summer sausage, while some condiments include: mayonnaise, mustard, lettuce, tomatoes and pickles to name a few.
When making a sandwich I make sure that I have all of the right ingredients that I am going to want to have. Considering this I may have to go to a grocery store to get something that I am missing. When I have my ingredients I set them out on a table and first start by taking the bread and possibly toasting it. I butter the bread and then add my sandwich meat, usually two to three pieces. After I have added the turkey meat, I then add lettuce and a slice of sharp cheddar cheese on top. Finally, I spread some Door County Mustard on the top piece of bread, place that on top and then cut my sandwich in two with a knife. This way the sandwich will be easier to consume.
I understand Pollan's point in how we, as Americans, have accepted low-fat processed foods too liberally. The sandwich would be a perfect place to add these types of foods, but I make sure to only use the freshest of ingredients. After eating my sandwich I feel content that I did my best, with my limited resources, to supply a nutritious meal for myself. I will admit that I am guilty for eating these foods on occasion, but who isn't? The way we have changed our lives only makes this a reality, not necessarily a choice anymore.