Monday, April 19, 2010

Sandwich Preparation Blog

Along with all of the responsibilities that come along with becoming a college student, I have learned the importance of a healthy diet. In a college student's often busy, hectic life it is undoubtedly reasonable to see how one can lose track of his/her health values that said person had developed throughout their adolescence. I have especially learned the importance of eating a hearty breakfast, not eating too much junk food and also to not eat before going to bed for the evening. Keeping these things in mind, I am responsible to find food for myself when I miss a meal. I have become rather keen in the formation of the sandwich with cold cuts, and this has now become a staple in my diet.
Personally, the sandwich is a quick, healthy and economical way to get a meal in between classes or when I am on the run and don't have time to sit down for a larger meal. The sandwich offers a lot of variations in that there are numerous types of meats and condiments that can be added to suit one person's tastes. Some options for sandwich meats include: ham, turkey, roast beef and/or summer sausage, while some condiments include: mayonnaise, mustard, lettuce, tomatoes and pickles to name a few.
When making a sandwich I make sure that I have all of the right ingredients that I am going to want to have. Considering this I may have to go to a grocery store to get something that I am missing. When I have my ingredients I set them out on a table and first start by taking the bread and possibly toasting it. I butter the bread and then add my sandwich meat, usually two to three pieces. After I have added the turkey meat, I then add lettuce and a slice of sharp cheddar cheese on top. Finally, I spread some Door County Mustard on the top piece of bread, place that on top and then cut my sandwich in two with a knife. This way the sandwich will be easier to consume.
I understand Pollan's point in how we, as Americans, have accepted low-fat processed foods too liberally. The sandwich would be a perfect place to add these types of foods, but I make sure to only use the freshest of ingredients. After eating my sandwich I feel content that I did my best, with my limited resources, to supply a nutritious meal for myself. I will admit that I am guilty for eating these foods on occasion, but who isn't? The way we have changed our lives only makes this a reality, not necessarily a choice anymore.

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