Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Golf Swing Speech Evaluation

I recently gave my demonstration speech to the Life Science Communications 100 class about how to properly swing various golf clubs. In my speech I outlined the history of the game of golf and how it has grown in popularity since its conception over 100 years ago. This game has come a long way since its start when shepherds used sticks to hit stones into rabbit holes. Today technology has transformed the game into a combination of strength and finesse, with fit athletes necessary to win on the professional level. I did my best to convey to my audience the importance each club plays in a round of golf and how each club can be utilized to your advantage.
Throughout my speech I feel I did a good job of teaching my audience about every club in a typical bag. Furthermore, I feel I had strong visual aids that enhanced my presentation. My main visual aid that I utilized throughout my speech was the golf bag with the 14 standard golf clubs. I showed the class how to swing the different types of clubs which included driver/woods, long and short irons, the wedge and putter. My next visual aid was the one minute clip of Tiger Woods in slow motion swinging his driver. I feel this gave my speech credibility as Tiger Woods has been the number one golfer in the world for over a decade and he arguably has the best golf swing in history. This clip gave my audience a visual of a swing since I was unable to do it in the classroom with limited space.
Upon watching my speech the main area that I feel I could have improved upon was my fluidity throughout. Unfortunately there were some dead spaces between transitions in my speech. I also went longer than the allotted time given, but I felt it was necessary because of the extent of information necessary to convey my demonstration. Although my speech was long I don't feel that my audience lost interest and that they appreciated the detail I put into my speech. Overall, I enjoyed teaching my fellow classmates about one of my hobbies in the game of golf. Hopefully each individual took a different part of the speech home with them to improve upon their golfing abilities which would ultimately make my demonstration speech a success.

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